What happens to the web after this period? The optimum life of the characteristic orb webs is usually one day. Every night the spider ingests her old web (generally only the females spin webs), gaining additional energy from nutrients such as pollen that stick to it. She then spins a new web either in the same place, or in a different one, depending on how good she considers the site to be. JAKE MAY Leeds, West Yorkshire I dread success. To have succeeded is to have finished one's business on earth, like the male spider, who is killed by the female the moment he has succeeded in his courtship. I like a state of continual becoming, with a goal in front and not behind. -- George Bernard Shaw Black Widow spiders inhabit most warmer regions of the world to latitude of about 45 degrees N. and S. They occur throughout all four deserts of the American Southwest. ~~desertusa.com SpiderLinks
There are over one thousand species of spiders in the US; only two can cause serious injury to humans: the black widow and the brown recluse. ~~THE GARDENING NEWSLETTER, Issue 67
Although spiders as a group are generally beneficial to humans, many people fear them because they believe that spiders are aggressive, and will bite. Spiders will not attack unless they are cornered. ~~THE GARDENING NEWSLETTER, Issue 67
When you see spiders in the garden, know that they are doing a great service by eliminating other unwanted guests in your garden. ~~THE GARDENING NEWSLETTER, Issue 67 |